Monday, April 20, 2009

How can I make a Wan or a Vpn or something similar so a friend and I can share an external hard drive?

We work on a website together and we want one place where we can access all of the files we need. We have been using FTP but it is too much work. We just want to be able to share actual files on a computer, like an external hard drive. Is there a way to set up a connection between us two to this drive?
How can I make a Wan or a Vpn or something similar so a friend and I can share an external hard drive?
You can use LogMeIn Hamachi

The easiest application to create VPNs.
How can I make a Wan or a Vpn or something similar so a friend and I can share an external hard drive?
Windows XP allows you to create a vpn connection between two computers.

Open the Network Properties by going to Start--%26gt;Settings--%26gt;Network Connections.

Then start the %26quot;new network connection%26quot; wizard.

Select %26quot;create connection to workplace (VPN)%26quot; , then select that you want to allow another computer to connect and follow the rest of the wizard.

Then your buddy needs to do the same on his computer, but he needs to choose %26quot;connect to another computer%26quot; after choosing VPN. The he needs to provide the wizard with the informations you provided. You might need to use you %26quot;public%26quot; ip address at some point. To find it, just open a browser and open %26quot;;

If you use a firewall, you might need to adjust its settings. But the Windows firewall should automatically open the necessary ports.

Then the only thing you need to do is share the Disk you both want to use and your buddy will be able to connect to the drive by using the command: net use \\%26lt;ip address%26gt;\%26lt;sharename%26gt;

in a command prompt window. Where %26lt;ip address%26gt; is your ip and %26lt;sharename%26gt; is the name you configured when sharing the disk. You will also have to create a user for him so he will be able to authenticate against the share.

Of course if you both have compatible firewalls, a vpn tunnel can also be created between the two firewalls directly. But the setup depends on the firewallt types you use.
Reply:If the place you mentioned want to share files is windows based system, I would recommend you to use MS terminal service.

Install MS terminal service on the machine to let it work as a termial server. If the machine is within a LAN, you also need to make a port forwarding to the machine for terminal service on the router where the machine is.

So then, all of you can use ms rdc (remote desktop connection) tool to remote logon to the remote machine with different remote control session even at same time (they won%26#039;t conflict) and same resource (hard drive...) on the machine.

Alan Yang @ Iron Oak IT inc., Calgary, AB

Reply:there is all sorts of stuff out there using a site like google you can put stuff out on the internet for others to get to.

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